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Dalian Jinghe Molding Co., Ltd

Dalian Chenghua plastic products Co., Ltd






Add:No. 343, Jinwan Road, Zhanqian Street (Majia New Village), Jinzhou District, Dalian

What are the advantages of hollow molding

release date:2018-06-28 00:00 source: http://globalwithyou.com Click:

耀彩网Hollow forming principle: by using the temperature dependence of the relaxation time of polymer delaying high elastic deformation, the semi-finished polymer products (tubes, hollow profiles, etc.) are rapidly deformed near TF above the polymer vitrification temperature, and then maintained in deformation, cooled to below the vitrification temperature or crystallization temperature in a short time, so that the deformation of the formed object is frozen, This is the viscoelastic principle of hollow forming.

With the continuous development and progress of society, Dalian hollow molding products have become necessities of life closely related to us. From mechanical equipment and household appliances to folders and plastic bottles, we can feel the omnipresence of plastic products.

It can be said that most industries in modern society are inextricably linked with the plastic industry. As one of the largest production and sales of plastic products, the demand for plastic bottles is also increasing significantly with the development of society. Hollow plastic molding machine is one of the three leading products of plastic machinery.

耀彩网With the rapid development of plastic hollow products industry, the structure of hollow products has changed greatly, especially for automotive hollow products. To adapt to this development trend, hollow forming equipment is developing in the direction of multi variety, large-scale, high efficiency, high yield, high speed, energy saving, electrification, network diagnosis, intelligence and so on.

Dalian hollow molding

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  • Add:No. 343, Jinwan Road, Zhanqian Street (Majia New Village), Jinzhou District, Dalian
    Add:No. 343, Jinwan Road, Zhanqian Street (Majia New Village), Jinzhou District, Dalian
  • E-mail:office@dlchenghua.cn
  • Tel:0411-87840676
Professional production enterprise engaged in plastic injection molding, extrusion and blow molding


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Dalian Chenghua plastic products Co., Ltd

Dalian Jinghe Molding Co., Ltd