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耀彩网Dalian Jinghe Molding Co., Ltd

Dalian Chenghua plastic products Co., Ltd






Add:No. 343, Jinwan Road, Zhanqian Street (Majia New Village), Jinzhou District, Dalian

Flexible PVC medical parts

Detailed introduction

耀彩网Hollow forming principle: by using the temperature dependence of the relaxation time of polymer delaying high elastic deformation, the semi-finished polymer products (tubes, hollow profiles, etc.) are rapidly deformed near TF above the polymer vitrification temperature, and then maintained in deformation, cooled to below the vitrification temperature or crystallization temperature in a short time, so that the deformation of the formed object is frozen, This is the viscoelastic principle of hollow forming.

Dalian hollow forming principle: using the temperature dependence of the relaxation time of polymer delaying high elastic deformation, the semi-finished polymer products (tubes, hollow profiles, etc.) can be rapidly deformed near TF above the polymer glass transition temperature, and then remain deformed. It can be cooled to below the glass transition temperature or crystallization temperature in a short time, so that the deformation of the formed object can be frozen, This is the viscoelastic principle of hollow forming. Working principle of continuous extrusion hollow forming blow molding machine this method is characterized by continuous extrusion of pipe blank by extruder.

Hollow molding manufacturers have the advantages of simple molding equipment, less investment and easy operation. It is the basic molding method commonly used by domestic small and medium-sized enterprises. The production process of continuous extrusion blow molding method has three types: reciprocating, rotating discharge and rotary table. Hollow molding blow molding machine can be divided into two molding methods: continuous extrusion blow molding and intermittent extrusion blow molding.

Related tags: Dalianextrusionmolding

  • Add:No. 343, Jinwan Road, Zhanqian Street (Majia New Village), Jinzhou District, Dalian
    Add:No. 343, Jinwan Road, Zhanqian Street (Majia New Village), Jinzhou District, Dalian
  • E-mail:office@dlchenghua.cn
  • Tel:0411-87840676
Professional production enterprise engaged in plastic injection molding, extrusion and blow molding


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耀彩网Dalian Chenghua plastic products Co., Ltd

Dalian Jinghe Molding Co., Ltd